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Individual Counselling for Adults

How are you feeling? Are you ok? Are you REALLY okay? Counselling is basically talking therapy, providing a confidential non-judgemental space for you to express your thoughts, feelings and emotions. And it’s alright if you find this hard to do. We live in a busy, competitive, and impersonal world where we often find ourselves feeling a little ‘lost’, unheard, worried, upset, frustrated, angry, confused, sad, lonely, misunderstood, anxious, depressed, isolated, ‘shut down’, or just not like our old selves/the way we used to be, or the person we would ideally like to be. Lost your confidence, feeling down, low self-esteem?

Thinking Man
Image by Trent Haaland

Or maybe you would like help to work towards behaviour change, the resolution of a situation, or ways to cope better with whatever may be challenging or troubling you? Together we can explore coping strategies for different situations or challenging life experiences, events or losses, or work on habits or behaviours you might like to change. Working through problems with a trained professional can make them feel less overwhelming and more manageable.

I can provide assistance and guidance in resolving specific issues if that is what you would like, or just talk through anything that you may be finding troubling or challenging. You may want to focus on the deeper aspects of yourself, the connections between past and present, the roots of why you behave, relate and respond the way you do to help you understand yourself and your life choices more clearly. Or you may just want some more specific goal-orientated, shorter-term therapy. Both are fine, the choice is yours and you are welcome to work on whatever you wish, and for however long you wish.

You do not have to present with declared goal/s in mind and often the focus of sessions will change as therapy progresses. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with just feeling like you want to talk to someone, without necessarily being able to articulate exactly why. I am here to listen, sit with you in difficult moments, and provide a space for you to bring whatever you want to. Individual Counselling is time and space specifically for you and your well-being, and all too often we don’t give ourselves this time. It can lead to helpful ways forward that result in insight, increased awareness and positive change.

Senior mature gray-haired female teacher tutor wearing a green jumper, waving at the lapto

And certainly, if nothing else, there’s enormous value and a sense of relief in just talking and sharing your worries with someone, it makes you feel less alone. Your ‘load’ is lighter and counselling can make you feel happier about yourself and your situation, more in control and better able to get on with your life.

© 2022 Julia Perkins Counselling   Contact

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